This article provides an overview of Sitedrive Schedule's key features and how they can be used to support schedule planning and management.
Keyboard shortcuts
- Esc - Remove the selection
- Space - opening and closing the selected row in Gantt mode
- + or Enter – Adding a new row
- Double click with left side – opening the work package editing
- Alt + Click (Option + Click for Mac) with left side – opening work package side panel
- Ctrl + Click (Cmd + Click for Mac) with left side – selecting multiple row or work packages
- Shift + Click with left side – Choosing all rows/ work packages in between selections
- Space + drag - panning the schedule view
- Ctrl + scroll (Cmd + Click for Mac)
- In schedule: zooming the schedule
- On top of the rows: changing the row heights
Opening a work package side panel
1. Bring mouse to the work package you want to open.
2. Click on the work package while pressing alt.
3. Now you can see the work package information on the left side.
Opening the work package to make changes
1. Double click on the work package.
2. Make changes to the work package. If you want to make changes to all work packages with the same master, select open Master.
3. Save the changes.
Selecting multiple work packages
You can select multiple work packages at once by pressing down ctrl when selecting the work packages. Other way is to select every work package between to selected work packages by selecting the first work package and then selecting the last work package while pressing down shift.
Adjusting the schedule and row heights
1. Schedule timeline
You can press down ctrl and use scroll to adjust the timeline. You can also use touchpad to move and scale the timeline.
2. Row heights
You can make the rows taller or shorter by moving your cursor on top of the columns on the left and scrolling with your mouse while pressing down ctrl. Or you can use your touchpad.