This article shows how work can be scheduled in Sitedrive based on quantities directly in Gantt or by using the quantity list
Introduction to Quantity-Based Scheduling
In Sitedrive Schedule, tasks can be scheduled based on the quantities. In quantity-based scheduling, the duration of tasks is calculated based on the input quantities and established productivity rates.
This method allows for rapid and reliable scheduling, grounded in accurate quantity data and known work performance metrics. If necessary, the schedule can also be easily adjusted during the project by updating the productivity rates to reflect actual conditions.
Within Sitedrive, quantity-based scheduling can be conducted swiftly using the quantities entered directly into the Gantt chart, or more precisely through an imported quantity list.
All quantity and task information is automatically synchronized with the work packages in the master schedule.
Quick Guide to Quantity-Based Scheduling in the Gantt Chart
1. Open the quantity columns by clicking on the three-dot menu.
2. Enter the quantity for your selected work package, including the code, name, quantity, and unit, then press Enter.
3. Adjust the productivity rate as needed.
4. Once complete, the schedule for the work package will update according to the entered quantity and productivity rate.
Please note:
- If the areas for the work packages have not been predefined, the quantities entered can be evenly distributed among the spaces based on either the number of spaces or proportional to their area. Distributing by area requires that the space model has been set up with the area sizes of the spaces.
- If the areas for the work packages have already been defined before entering quantities, the total quantities entered will be automatically distributed to the areas according to the space model sizes or, in their absence, based on the number of spaces.
- For more detailed instructions on quantity-based scheduling in the Gantt chart, go to the article: Quantity-Based Scheduling in Gantt.
Quick Guide to Quantity-Based Scheduling from a Quantity List
1. Navigate to the "Quantity List" section of your project phase.
2. Import the quantity list from an Excel file.
3. Select one or more rows that you want to use to create a task.
4. Create the task by entering the name, productivity rate, and team size.
5. Distribute the quantities across the designated areas.
6. Drag the task onto the corresponding work package.
7. Once completed, the selected quantity will be linked to the work package, and the duration will be calculated based on the quantity and productivity rate.
8. Repeat steps 3 to 6 for any additional quantity lines you wish to schedule.
Please note:
In the Gantt chart, you can also adjust the length of the work package using the "Planned productivity" column. The default setting for planned productivity is 100%. This is based on the understanding that productivity often includes more than just installation time. Therefore, when using precise labour requirement rates, we recommend scheduling tasks while considering variations in work performance. The suggested productivity range is between 70% and 95%.
For more detailed instructions on quantity-based scheduling from a quantity list, please refer to the article: Quantity-Based Scheduling from a Quantity List.