Version 2.2.10 (December 5, 2024)

Performance update for the gantt view and mobile, additional information in the side panel, work amount entry

New Features

Gantt View Performance Update

The performance of the gantt view has been improved. Scrolling and moving are now smoother.

Middle mouse button movement has been changed on Windows machines. Instead of the standard function, dragging with the middle button moves the view like dragging with the left mouse button.

More Information Displayed in the Side panel

The "Details" tab in the side panel now displays more information about the work package.

Entering Work Amount

Work amounts can now be entered for work packages. Entering work amounts allows for assessing the workload and resource needs of a work package without tying quantities to it.

Work amount is entered into a column named "Work Amount," which also replaces the previous "Calculated Duration" column.

Work amount can currently only be entered for work packages that do not have tasks. Task-specific work amount can be entered through the quantity function by tying the task to an appropriate quantity.

If work amount is entered at the master level, it is distributed to the work package instances based on their lengths. Input at the instance level affects only the spaces under that instance.

Work Package 'Responsible Manager' Now 'Responsible Person'

The work package responsible manager field has been renamed to responsible person field.

Multiple responsible persons can now be set. The menu displays the members of the work package's team at the top.

Following an upcoming access rights update, access rights can also be tied to a responsible person. The upcoming update will allow editing of work packages only by their designated responsible persons - among many other things.

Mobile Application Performance Update

The performance of the mobile application, especially on large schedules, has been improved. Status inputs should now be immediate, and loading times shorter.

Quantity Information Available in API

Quantity information is now available in the interface. More information from the API documentation.

NOTE! The Responsible Person field in the Task table has been expanded. A task can have multiple responsible persons. The responsible_manager_id field is still functional (returns the first value).

API users should switch to using the responsible_manager_ids field to ensure that all responsible persons are included for tasks.


  • Roadblocks and additional tasks are no longer moved with the work package during moves
  • Lengths of summary work packages are always updated in connection with hierarchy changes (summary work packages do not remain too long)
  • Many other miscellaneous improvements