User management

This article introduces the different roles in Sitedrive: account admin, project admin and project viewer

As an admin, you have the ability to manage all functions of the company account, from projects to user management.

To modify account settings, click on the gear icon in the top bar and choose Account settings. From the menu on the left, you can adjust the following company account settings: Sites and projects, users, tags, work section classifications, API usage and templates. By clicking on the Users button, you can view all users associated with the company account.

From the Account users, you can see all users who have been added to the company account. This includes not only permanent team members but also project-specific users with admin or viewing permissions.

In Sitedrive, there are the following user access groups:

  • Account Admin: Can modify the company account, manage users, and oversee projects.
  • Project Admin: Can manage project users and project phases.
  • Project View Permissions: Can view the project schedules but cannot make edits. Often, contractors are granted view permissions so they can mark completion statuses and review schedules.

Please note that adding or removing users from projects is the responsibility of the users themselves. If you need to add or remove access rights and are unable to modify them, please contact your company's account admin for assistance.